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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Letter 2014


It has been a busy year of travel, Village activities and changes in our family.


We spent three months of the year away from home, most of that in North America

North America Tour

For a more detailed report of the North America Tour click on this link.

Here are a few of the highlights:


Grand Canyon


Monument Valley


The Venetian, Las Vegas




John Lennon memorial, New York


The falls at Niagara


Amish farming


Lincoln Memorial, Washington


Butchart Gardens


Bear, Blue River


Athabasca Glacier


Morraine Lake


Rocky Mountaineer (in a tunnel)


Margerie Glacier in Glacier bay, calving.

Bike ride to Skagway

Australia Touring

We also toured in Australia, mainly with out friends, Jenni and Les.

Lakes Entrance

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North Arm Stitch

Port Macquarie

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There are always many activities occurring in the Village, particularly at this time of the year.

The Christmas Party

Carols in the Village

Mark organised and led the band again this year, which was greatly appreciated by the Villagers.

THE Solstice Party / BBQ



Our grandchildren continue to progress through school. Next year we will not have any primary school grand kids with one in each of the following levels: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11. They are doing well, for instance Amanda received an Outstanding Effort award!

Two of the grand kids completed their secondary education this year. Hayley has now started at Year 12 / 13 College (the English system is a bit different to the one in Australia). Cameron has completed his VCE and is now working on the best process for entering the police force, which he can't do until he is 21.


Two major work changes this year.

Catherine is taking up a new appointment, developing a Salvation Army presence in West Heidelberg. This has meant shifting house, and Cath and Spencer are very happy with their new accommodation.

David left his contractor's position at Telstra to take up a permanent job with Australia Post. He is doing the same style of work - project managing - developing the Post Office's bill payment system.


We first visited dad in his nursing home. He will be 87 in January is becoming increasingly frail, but regularly assures us that he is well cared for at Colton Close. In the afternoon Phillip took him to his house for afternoon tea. IMG_0449
Catherine organised Christmas lunch this year, at her new house. The weather was near perfect and we ate on her back veradah. As you can see it was attended by Beth and her family, Cath and Spence, Christopher, Christina and Jeff, Margaret and me. IMG_0457
We had Christmas tea at hour house, for Michelle's family, Ian and Rita, Margaret and me; all organised by Margaret. IMG_0463

Merry Christmas from Margaret,

        Happy Saturnalia from Stephen,

                And a happy and prosperous New Year from both of us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret and Stephen,
What a beautiful Tribute to the year of 2014. Your story's and photos are brilliant. It looks like you spent the best of days with both sides of the family.
Merry Christmas and happy new year. Cheers Sue and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret and Stephen,
What a beautiful Tribute to the year of 2014. Your story's and photos are brilliant. It looks like you spent the best of days with both sides of the family.
Merry Christmas and happy new year. Cheers Sue and family

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I am planning a trip to Port Macquarie in the summers with my family and few best friends. Actually, we are looking a good photographer, who can click our trip photographs. Do you know any good Port Macquarie Photographer who is affordable?

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